kite runner analysis

1.In the opening scene of the novel amir is in a new city from his home country as he reflects on his life as a child and what he had been regretting. he talks about how this regret has been his downfall for many year after it happened.

2. in the final scene of the novel we see sorhab all alone by an empty batting cage looking up at the sky and watching all of the kite flying above him. amir sujests the idea to go and fly a kite with sorhab. so amir goes and buys a kite from a stand he gets it up in the air and hads it off to sorhob. they end up cutting another other kites string and amir asks “shall i run you kite for you”

3. hosseini’s intentions with the theme is a journey that we have to understand for air to become a better person throughout the book with events that we see him try to become a better person such as the when he sets out to see if he can help hassans son out of a life he should not be in and on this journey he trys to become a better person

4. another scene that is significant is the scene where amir goes to fight asef to get sorhob back this is significant as amir finally feels as though he has been redeemed and payed off his sin for what happened back in his childhood.



the persona that amir shows us is he is very much a self doubting persona doesn’t believe in himself in any manner of way he has alot of self doubt about what he can do and who believes in him. he also thinks alot about what he does before he does it as he doen’t like to hurt others and feels as though he has dissapointed them


hassan is the type of person who does not want to dissapoint his friend amir he is shown to be a brave young boy who has a lot of courage and has no fear. he will also not show weakness even if it mean he is in danger. hassan will not


baba is the strong man metally and physically he is the father of amir and hassan. the persona that he displays is a strong male figure that will teach his son by teaching him the hard way with letting him figure it out himself. he seems to be a man to hold grudges as he constantly tell his son amir that he was the cause of his wifes death and that he is the reminder of it.


assef is the bully in the story he is a very controlling person he likes to have control over the people he is around. he is the bully that puts fear into all other kids. he has some reason behind his bullying that is never revealed but what is hinted is that he does it for Hitler.


sohrab is the child of hassan. he is very much a splitting image of his father he has the same morales as hassan such as stand up for you friends and not to pick on the weak. he is very much a protector of the weak as helps amir from being beat to death in the fight against assef


hassan and amir

hassan and amir have a bortherly connection but they have no idea they are actually related but they have a friendship that is a unbreakable bond they do almost everything together and have fun doing it all

hassan and baba

hassan and baba have a oneway relatioship with baba treating him like a son and hassan not having a clue why he would treat him in such a way but baba gives alot to his iligitament son as he is the direct represntation of baba and baba wants to give the best to his perfect son

amir and rahm kan

amir and rahm kan are to good friends whos realationship formed from amrs father as rahm kan is baba’s good friend and busniess partner. amir and rahm kan get along on a level amir and his father dont have as rahm kan is the interlectual that his father never was and he is the person that amir can relate to.

3. amir forfills the role of the anti hero in the book at the start as he just watches his brother get raped and he just stands there trying to make a desicion but just runs away. but he redeems himself later in the novel when he goes to rescque hassans son sohrab and he has the life beaten out of him by assef and that is shown to be the beating he would have gotten years earlier when hassan was raped. but he changes in the book from being self centered to a caring and thoughtful man.

4. the reason we end up respecting amir at the end of the book is that he fianally does one last act that reedeems himself for the mistakes that he made in his life but he is not regarded as honorable as he still has many mistakes in his life he never fixed.


1. There was a monster in the lake. It had grabbed Hassan by the ankles, dragged him to the murky bottom. I was that monster.”
There was a monster in the lake. It had grabbed Hassan by the ankles, dragged him to the murky bottom. I was that monster.”
It’s wrong what they say about the past, I’ve learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past claws its way out. Looking back now, I realize I have been looking into that deserted alleyway for the last twenty-six years.”

2.amir has made many regretful decisions that make him suffer inside and i think that though what he could of done would have made his life better but he should not suffer from what he did but the guilt that he has from the event does have an effect on amir and may be the cause of many bad choices in his life after but it has made many of decisions very personal

3. amir cant escape hus guilt as the guilt as been a bug part of his life for so long that it is unescapable. even though amir trys to run from his guilt he cant escape it as the gulit is so strong as the memory is so vivid in his mind.

4.the effect that guilt can have on a person is huge it will stay with that person for there life and it will be a lesson to what they did wrong as people need to do stuff wrong to learn from it and know that it wont happen again as the guilt is so painful that they have to make sure they do what is right.


  1. in the fight scene we see that amir in his mind is telling us that he feels healed after the physical trauma that he endured in the fight. but this is the beating that thinks he would have gotten i the ally way many years ago. thid fight elates to the pomigranit scene with how he tried to get hassan to beat him up but this fight scene is the hidden beating that he deserved

2. amir believs that he can be the son baba wanted is he goes and wins the kite tornement as baba watches on from the roof of his house.t

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